英语情景对话范文 3个人讨论自己最爱吃的食物RT 希望长一点的对话


英语情景对话范文 3个人讨论自己最爱吃的食物
RT 希望长一点的对话
A: Yesterday, I had an English breakfast.
B: Really? What did you have?
C: Do you like it?
A: I had eggs and sausages. It is so delicious!
B: I think I like sandwiches better. What about you C?
C: Fish and chips is my favorite. And I like hamburgers and chicken, too.
A: Time for lunch. Let's go to the KFC.
B,C: OK.
A: Yesterday, I had an English breakfast.
B: Really? What did you have?
C: Do you like it?
A: I had eggs and sausages. It is so delicious!
B: I think I like sandwiches better. What about you C?
C: Fish and chips is my favorite. And I like hamburgers and chicken, too.
A: Time for lunch. Let's go to the KFC.
B,C: OK.
相关标签: 英语 情景 对话 范文 个人 讨论 食物 希望