初二英语be动词练习,根据时间改写句子,迅速点啊三、 根据时间改写句子.1.Today is Monday.(the day before yesterday) 2.There are 23 students in our class.(22,yesterday) 3.I am in Grade Two this year.(last year) 4.My father is 44.(ten years ago) 5.We are in No.9 Middle School.(3years ago,XXX


三、 根据时间改写句子.1.Today is Monday.(the day before yesterday) 2.There are 23 students in our class.(22,yesterday) 3.I am in Grade Two this year.(last year) 4.My father is 44.(ten years ago) 5.We are in No.9 Middle School.(3years ago,XXX Primary School小学) 6.He is in Beijing.(last night,Hong Kong) 7.Our teacher is better now.(last week,ill) 8.My parents are at home today.(yesterday,at work)
The day before yesterday is Monday.
There was 22 students in our class.
I was in Grade Two last year.
My father was 44 ten years ago.
We were in XXXPrimary school three years ago.
He was in hong kong last night.
Our teacher was ill last week.
My parents were at work yesterday.
The day before yesterday is Monday.
There was 22 students in our class.
I was in Grade Two last year.
My father was 44 ten years ago.
We were in XXXPrimary school three years ago.
He was in hong kong last night.
Our teacher was ill last week.
My parents were at work yesterday.