想请大神们帮忙写一篇英语作文.What is your favorite quote and why?(quote最好是关于梦想的,PS.quote是名言的意思)先谢谢大家的帮忙,哪位大神写完了可以私信我问我的邮箱.写的好了,绝对提高悬赏,不会让大家白白辛苦的.17岁.


What is your favorite quote and why?(quote最好是关于梦想的,PS.quote是名言的意思)先谢谢大家的帮忙,哪位大神写完了可以私信我问我的邮箱.写的好了,绝对提高悬赏,不会让大家白白辛苦的.17岁.
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them---Walt Disney.

Dreams are the most gorgeous things a man can have. Some dreams are nightmares, but most of them are sacred and beautiful. A man without a cherished dream is just a body without a soul.

Human beings are more than just flesh and blood. Our spirit is as important as our body. If people have no dreams, aren't they the same as animals that only live to satisfy their physical needs? We define our existence not by money or power, but by dreams. Children usually are happy because they have various dreams---the most innocent and brilliant dreams. But as we grow up, most of our dreams slowly die away. Only the perseverant hold on dearly to them and never give them up.

Without dreams, we wouldn't be living the happy life as we are now. So if you don't have a dream, make one and hold on to it and then spare no effort to pursue it in your whole life!
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them---Walt Disney.

Dreams are the most gorgeous things a man can have. Some dreams are nightmares, but most of them are sacred and beautiful. A man without a cherished dream is just a body without a soul.

Human beings are more than just flesh and blood. Our spirit is as important as our body. If people have no dreams, aren't they the same as animals that only live to satisfy their physical needs? We define our existence not by money or power, but by dreams. Children usually are happy because they have various dreams---the most innocent and brilliant dreams. But as we grow up, most of our dreams slowly die away. Only the perseverant hold on dearly to them and never give them up.

Without dreams, we wouldn't be living the happy life as we are now. So if you don't have a dream, make one and hold on to it and then spare no effort to pursue it in your whole life!