根据下面所给的英文提示和图片,联系自己的生活或学习实际,用英语写一篇短文!The capacity of a bucket is determined by its shortest plank .Therefore,The overall capacity of The whole bucket will be impacted if there isone short plank.注意:无需写标题,作文可参照阅读材料的内容.如图:木桶效应


The capacity of a bucket is determined by its shortest plank .Therefore,The overall capacity of The whole bucket will be impacted if there isone short plank.
When i worked in a team, i found a very interested thing. That is no matter how well a single capable person performs,without cooperation or help from one anther,it is always the least capable member who holds back the whole progress of the team. So work together and also help the shorted "plank". The team will perform better with contribution from everyone.
While i found the similar phenomenon in my scores. No matter how well you perform at a single subject,without contribution of other subjects,you can not reach a high level. It is always the weakest subject which holds back the whole pregress. So never imagine one subject is everything and never give up your weakest,especially it is the most useful one.
Now i know those are Barrel effect. It means that the capacity of a bucket is determined by its shortest plank .Therefore,The overall capacity of The whole bucket will be impacted if there is one short plank.
When i worked in a team, i found a very interested thing. That is no matter how well a single capable person performs,without cooperation or help from one anther,it is always the least capable member who holds back the whole progress of the team. So work together and also help the shorted "plank". The team will perform better with contribution from everyone.
While i found the similar phenomenon in my scores. No matter how well you perform at a single subject,without contribution of other subjects,you can not reach a high level. It is always the weakest subject which holds back the whole pregress. So never imagine one subject is everything and never give up your weakest,especially it is the most useful one.
Now i know those are Barrel effect. It means that the capacity of a bucket is determined by its shortest plank .Therefore,The overall capacity of The whole bucket will be impacted if there is one short plank.