business needs mutual benefit.without earning money,it's not business any longer.So with the least profit,300 yuan per ton is the lowest price we can offer.If you still think it too high,I can offer you a even lower price as well,however,the quality of product can't be promised.If so,it's a waste of both labor and material resources.What's more,it may influence the faith your clients have in you.It's really unworthy.
business needs mutual benefit.without earning money,it's not business any longer.So with the least profit,300 yuan per ton is the lowest price we can offer.If you still think it too high,I can offer you a even lower price as well,however,the quality of product can't be promised.If so,it's a waste of both labor and material resources.What's more,it may influence the faith your clients have in you.It's really unworthy.