论文摘要汉译英,中国传统文化是思想教育十分重要的内容,但在很长一个时期内,中国传统文化却在排除在思想政治教育之外.始于1978年的改革开放拓展了人们的视野,在经过哲学的反思以后,人们清醒的认识到中国传统文化教育是思想政治教育不可或缺的部分.在全面认识的基础上加强中国传统文化的教育,是摆在思想政治教育工作者面前的艰巨任务.关键词 :中国传统文化,思想政治教育


关键词 :中国传统文化,思想政治教育
China's traditional culture constitutes a very important component of the ideological education.However,China's traditional culture has been excluded from the ideological and political education for a long time.The reform and opening up initiated in 1978 has broadened people's horizon.After philosophical reflection,people begin to wake to the fact that education of traditional Chinese culture is an integral part of the ideological and political education.To enhance education in traditional Chinese culture in a comprehensive way is an arduous task facing teachers in ideological and political education.
Keywords:Chinese traditional culture,ideological and political education
China's traditional culture constitutes a very important component of the ideological education.However,China's traditional culture has been excluded from the ideological and political education for a long time.The reform and opening up initiated in 1978 has broadened people's horizon.After philosophical reflection,people begin to wake to the fact that education of traditional Chinese culture is an integral part of the ideological and political education.To enhance education in traditional Chinese culture in a comprehensive way is an arduous task facing teachers in ideological and political education.
Keywords:Chinese traditional culture,ideological and political education