

俞洪min, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province, in 1962, a tiger, is seven一米七.
CMP strong person-chi, han in the rhetoric, humor refined. He is fluent in English, especially vocabulary work, a "Little Red Book" reputation in the industry, and editor-in-chief of the multi-CD sets of practical teaching, as a famous Chinese and foreign English language teaching experts, who founded the New Oriental School in Beijing is already occupied 80%, 50% of the overseas training market, training students in more than 150,000 people, 70% of students studying abroad is a disciple, as a result of his study of the outstanding contribution to the teaching profession, by society as "the godfather of study";俞洪-min far-sighted In a time when the cause of the sun at high noon, still in a pioneering spirit, in 2000, with the Chinese IT giant Lenovo Group strong combination, into the Internet, the establishment of a new online website Oriental, various elite to come under, like the generation before Shuai. Ran, "岁寒pines and cypresses,"俞敏洪today's achievement is suffering from the past, tempered by the failure: failed several college entrance examination, he was not discouraged, he would also like to repeat farming, supply, and finally in the third test in one fell swoop qualify as North Western University; After graduation, students have to go abroad, he has failed on several occasions; his silence for seven years, teaching at the university, but also for seven years thinking
其人博闻强志,娴于辞令,幽默儒雅.他精通英语,尤工词汇,一本"红宝书"在业内有口皆碑,并主编了多套实用教学光盘,成为中外颇负盛名的英语教学专家,由他创办的新东方学校目前已经占据了北京80%,全国50%的出国培训市场,年培训学生超过15万人次,国外的留学生70%是其弟子,由于他对留学教育专业的杰出贡献,被社会誉为"留学教父";俞洪敏高瞻远瞩,在事业如日中天之际,仍然开拓进取,在2000年,与中国IT巨头联想集团强强联手,挺进互联网,成立新东方在线网站,各路精英,纷至麾下,俨然是一代帅才. 然,"岁寒知松柏",俞敏洪今日之成就是从昔日苦难、失败中锻炼出来的:高考数次落榜,他不气馁,复读时他还要务农,代课,终于在第三次高考一举考取北大西文系;毕业后,同学们纷纷出国,他却失败了几次;他沉寂了七年,在北大教书,也思考了七年. (网络答案)
俞洪min, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province, in 1962, a tiger, is seven一米七.
CMP strong person-chi, han in the rhetoric, humor refined. He is fluent in English, especially vocabulary work, a "Little Red Book" reputation in the industry, and editor-in-chief of the multi-CD sets of practical teaching, as a famous Chinese and foreign English language teaching experts, who founded the New Oriental School in Beijing is already occupied 80%, 50% of the overseas training market, training students in more than 150,000 people, 70% of students studying abroad is a disciple, as a result of his study of the outstanding contribution to the teaching profession, by society as "the godfather of study";俞洪-min far-sighted In a time when the cause of the sun at high noon, still in a pioneering spirit, in 2000, with the Chinese IT giant Lenovo Group strong combination, into the Internet, the establishment of a new online website Oriental, various elite to come under, like the generation before Shuai. Ran, "岁寒pines and cypresses,"俞敏洪today's achievement is suffering from the past, tempered by the failure: failed several college entrance examination, he was not discouraged, he would also like to repeat farming, supply, and finally in the third test in one fell swoop qualify as North Western University; After graduation, students have to go abroad, he has failed on several occasions; his silence for seven years, teaching at the university, but also for seven years thinking
其人博闻强志,娴于辞令,幽默儒雅.他精通英语,尤工词汇,一本"红宝书"在业内有口皆碑,并主编了多套实用教学光盘,成为中外颇负盛名的英语教学专家,由他创办的新东方学校目前已经占据了北京80%,全国50%的出国培训市场,年培训学生超过15万人次,国外的留学生70%是其弟子,由于他对留学教育专业的杰出贡献,被社会誉为"留学教父";俞洪敏高瞻远瞩,在事业如日中天之际,仍然开拓进取,在2000年,与中国IT巨头联想集团强强联手,挺进互联网,成立新东方在线网站,各路精英,纷至麾下,俨然是一代帅才. 然,"岁寒知松柏",俞敏洪今日之成就是从昔日苦难、失败中锻炼出来的:高考数次落榜,他不气馁,复读时他还要务农,代课,终于在第三次高考一举考取北大西文系;毕业后,同学们纷纷出国,他却失败了几次;他沉寂了七年,在北大教书,也思考了七年. (网络答案)
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