我们现在在考试英语 在你的成长过程中,你要不断地学会各种技能,如打球,骑自行车,滑冰,游戏…根据下面提供的信息并结合实际,描述你学习某种技能的经历和感受 ageoflearning/7,8,9,10.../before playing basketball,riding,skating,swimming...nervous,excited,afraid /while learning/who taught you and how you learned/more rnd more confident af


ageoflearning/7,8,9,10.../before playing basketball,riding,skating,swimming...
nervous,excited,afraid /while learning/who taught you and how you learned/more rnd more confident after learning/happy,thankful
At the age of ten , my father taught me to skate . The first time I stand on the ice ,I was too nervous to walk on the ice . It was my father who helped me and showed me how to skate. After a while ,I could walk for a short distance. So I was very excited. The following two weeks ,my father always helped me to learn to skate and I made great progress. A few days later I could skate by myself . I was so happy and confident . Now I should be thankful to my father . At the age of ten , my father taught me to skate . The first time I stand on the ice ,I was too nervous to walk on the ice . It was my father who helped me and showed me how to skate. After a while ,I could walk for a short distance. So I was very excited. The following two weeks ,my father always helped me to learn to skate and I made great progress. A few days later I could skate by myself . I was so happy and confident . Now I should be thankful to my father .