对话一段两人的英语对话 问路 小明上大学了 来到了新学校 他想去图书看出 可是不认识路 就找了路人A 问路 最好两人的话字数差不多


一段两人的英语对话 问路 小明上大学了 来到了新学校 他想去图书看出 可是不认识路 就找了路人A 问路 最好两人的话字数差不多
A:Excuse me , Could you pls tell me how to go to the Library?
B: Library, Oh, you can go ahead down this street and about 500M then you’ll find green house
Here, behind the house you’ll find a red house, that is the Library you want find.
A: Oh , behind the green house , I remember it . Thanks you very much!
B: You are welcome, See you.
A:Excuse me , Could you pls tell me how to go to the Library?
B: Library, Oh, you can go ahead down this street and about 500M then you’ll find green house
Here, behind the house you’ll find a red house, that is the Library you want find.
A: Oh , behind the green house , I remember it . Thanks you very much!
B: You are welcome, See you.