

A:Do you like watching movies?
B:Sure!I love movies!
A:So I guess that the reason why you are so good at English.
B:Well,maybe.Via watching those movies,especially the Hollywood products,can help us comprehending with English better.
A:Yeah,you bet.So what's your favorite movie?
B:Many movies are awesome,but I like Titanic the best.
A:That's a very famous movie,I haven't seen it yet.What't is about?
B:It's a beautiful love story happened on the famous ship--Titanic.
A young man named Jack who is not wealth fell in love with a noble girl named Rose.When the ship crashed into an iceberg,and was about to sink,Jack sacrificed his life to save Rose.And he told her before he died,"Stay alive,for me."So Rose survived in that accident,and later built her own family.But she never forgot about the love between her and Jack,untill she's very old and died in her dream.
A:Wow,that's a moving story.I can't wait to watch it now!
B:I do have the DVD of this movie,you can come to my house to get it.
A:That's great!Thanks~

A:Do you like watching movies?
B:Sure!I love movies!
A:So I guess that the reason why you are so good at English.
B:Well,maybe.Via watching those movies,especially the Hollywood products,can help us comprehending with English better.
A:Yeah,you bet.So what's your favorite movie?
B:Many movies are awesome,but I like Titanic the best.
A:That's a very famous movie,I haven't seen it yet.What't is about?
B:It's a beautiful love story happened on the famous ship--Titanic.
A young man named Jack who is not wealth fell in love with a noble girl named Rose.When the ship crashed into an iceberg,and was about to sink,Jack sacrificed his life to save Rose.And he told her before he died,"Stay alive,for me."So Rose survived in that accident,and later built her own family.But she never forgot about the love between her and Jack,untill she's very old and died in her dream.
A:Wow,that's a moving story.I can't wait to watch it now!
B:I do have the DVD of this movie,you can come to my house to get it.
A:That's great!Thanks~
