

As I Was Going
As I was going o'er(on the) London Bridge,
I heard something crack;
Not a man in all England
Can mend that!
As I was going to St Ives,
I met a man with seven wives.
Each wife had seven sacks,
Each sack had seven cats,
Each cat had seven kits:
Kits,cats,sacks and wives,
How many were there going to St Ives?
As I was going up and down,I met a little dandy,
He pulled my nose,and with two blows,
I knocked him down quite handy.
As I was going to sell my eggs,
I met a man with bandy legs;
Bandy legs and crooked toes,
I tripped up his heels and he fell on his nose.
As I was going o'er Tipple Tine,
I met a flock of bonny swine;
Some yellow necked,
Some yellow Backed,
They were the very bonniest swine
That ever went over Tipple Tine.
As I was going by Charing Cross,
I saw a back man upon a black horse;
They told me it was King Charles the First-
Oh dear,my heart was ready to burst!
The people of Nursery Rhyme tralled to lots of different places,didn't they?See how many of these questions you can answer about them:
1.Where was the man going over when he heard something crack?
2.Where was I going when I met a man with seven wives?
3.Who did I meet when I was going up and down?
4.What was I going to do when I met a man with bandy legs?
5.What did I meet as I was going o'er Tipple Tine?
6.As I was going by Charing Cross,who did I see?
You will be able to find all the answers to these questions in the rhymes above.
As I Was Going
As I was going o'er(on the) London Bridge,
I heard something crack;
Not a man in all England
Can mend that!
As I was going to St Ives,
I met a man with seven wives.
Each wife had seven sacks,
Each sack had seven cats,
Each cat had seven kits:
Kits,cats,sacks and wives,
How many were there going to St Ives?
As I was going up and down,I met a little dandy,
He pulled my nose,and with two blows,
I knocked him down quite handy.
As I was going to sell my eggs,
I met a man with bandy legs;
Bandy legs and crooked toes,
I tripped up his heels and he fell on his nose.
As I was going o'er Tipple Tine,
I met a flock of bonny swine;
Some yellow necked,
Some yellow Backed,
They were the very bonniest swine
That ever went over Tipple Tine.
As I was going by Charing Cross,
I saw a back man upon a black horse;
They told me it was King Charles the First-
Oh dear,my heart was ready to burst!
The people of Nursery Rhyme tralled to lots of different places,didn't they?See how many of these questions you can answer about them:
1.Where was the man going over when he heard something crack?
2.Where was I going when I met a man with seven wives?
3.Who did I meet when I was going up and down?
4.What was I going to do when I met a man with bandy legs?
5.What did I meet as I was going o'er Tipple Tine?
6.As I was going by Charing Cross,who did I see?
You will be able to find all the answers to these questions in the rhymes above.
相关标签: 简单 英语 故事