

Unit 9
1.Deng Yaping is a great Chinese ping—pong player.邓亚萍是中国的一位乒乓球巨星.
2.She was born in 1973.她出生于1973年.
3.You are never too young to start doing things.你多早开始做事都不为过.
4.For example,Tiger Woods started golfing when he was only ten months old.例如,泰德•伍兹十个月大时就开始打高尔夫球.
5.Ronaldo,the great Brazilian soccer player,played for his national team when he was seventeen.巴西足球巨星罗纳尔多17岁就为国家队效力.
6.When did she become a movie star?她何时成了一名影星?
7.He spends all his free time with his grandson.他全部的空闲时间都是跟他的孙子在一起.
8.She become a skating champion when she was ten. 在她十岁时,她成了一位滑冰冠军.
9.He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the competition to win this prize.在有七十年历史的(肖邦国际钢琴)比赛中,他也是第一位获此殊荣的中国钢琴家.
10.He stopped playing soccer because of his sore back.因为背疼,结束了他的足球生涯.
11.She became the number one women’s singles player in the ITTF from 1993 to 1998.1993年至1998年,她成为了国际乒乓球联合会女子单打的头号种子选手.
Unit 10
1.What are you going to be when you grow up?你长大了要干什么?
2.I'm going to be a computer programmer.我要成为一名电脑程序设计师.
3.How are you going to do that?你打算怎样去做呢?
4.I'm going to take acting lessons.我要去上表演课.
5.When I grow up,I’m going to do what I want to do.我长大后,我要做我想做的事.
6.I'm going to find a part-time job for a year or two and save some money.我想找一份可干一、两年的零工,攒些钱.
8.I’m going to study French at the same time.同时,我要学法语.
9.I also want to travel all over the world.我还想到世界各地去旅行.
10.I'm going to write articles and send them t0 magazines and newspapers.我要写文章,寄给报社和杂志社.
11.I’m going to get good grades.我要取得好成绩.
12.They want to communicate better with their kids.他们想要更好地与孩子进行交流.
13.An old lady is going to leave her job and she wants to find a job as a language teacher in China.一位老太太打算辞去她现有的工作,再在中国找一份当语言教师的工作.
14.We are going to have a welcome party.我们打算举办一场欢迎会.
Unit 9
1.Deng Yaping is a great Chinese ping—pong player.邓亚萍是中国的一位乒乓球巨星.
2.She was born in 1973.她出生于1973年.
3.You are never too young to start doing things.你多早开始做事都不为过.
4.For example,Tiger Woods started golfing when he was only ten months old.例如,泰德•伍兹十个月大时就开始打高尔夫球.
5.Ronaldo,the great Brazilian soccer player,played for his national team when he was seventeen.巴西足球巨星罗纳尔多17岁就为国家队效力.
6.When did she become a movie star?她何时成了一名影星?
7.He spends all his free time with his grandson.他全部的空闲时间都是跟他的孙子在一起.
8.She become a skating champion when she was ten. 在她十岁时,她成了一位滑冰冠军.
9.He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the competition to win this prize.在有七十年历史的(肖邦国际钢琴)比赛中,他也是第一位获此殊荣的中国钢琴家.
10.He stopped playing soccer because of his sore back.因为背疼,结束了他的足球生涯.
11.She became the number one women’s singles player in the ITTF from 1993 to 1998.1993年至1998年,她成为了国际乒乓球联合会女子单打的头号种子选手.
Unit 10
1.What are you going to be when you grow up?你长大了要干什么?
2.I'm going to be a computer programmer.我要成为一名电脑程序设计师.
3.How are you going to do that?你打算怎样去做呢?
4.I'm going to take acting lessons.我要去上表演课.
5.When I grow up,I’m going to do what I want to do.我长大后,我要做我想做的事.
6.I'm going to find a part-time job for a year or two and save some money.我想找一份可干一、两年的零工,攒些钱.
8.I’m going to study French at the same time.同时,我要学法语.
9.I also want to travel all over the world.我还想到世界各地去旅行.
10.I'm going to write articles and send them t0 magazines and newspapers.我要写文章,寄给报社和杂志社.
11.I’m going to get good grades.我要取得好成绩.
12.They want to communicate better with their kids.他们想要更好地与孩子进行交流.
13.An old lady is going to leave her job and she wants to find a job as a language teacher in China.一位老太太打算辞去她现有的工作,再在中国找一份当语言教师的工作.
14.We are going to have a welcome party.我们打算举办一场欢迎会.