since 、so、 although 、but 、and\ 出现在完形填空的统一到选择中、该怎麼区别、?


since 、so、 although 、but 、and\ 出现在完形填空的统一到选择中、该怎麼区别、?
since 的意思 = 自从例子:How long is it since we visited your mother?(自从我们看望你母亲以来到现在有多长时间了?) so 的意思 = 所以 例子:so that i didn't finishi.所以我没有完成 although = 尽管,虽然例子:A car overtook me although I was going fast.(我虽然开得很快,还是被一辆车超过了) but = 但是,除此之外 例子 :but i didn't eat it ( 但是我没吃) and = 和 例子:me and you ( 我和你) book and pencil ( 书和铅笔) since 的意思 = 自从例子:How long is it since we visited your mother?(自从我们看望你母亲以来到现在有多长时间了?) so 的意思 = 所以 例子:so that i didn't finishi.所以我没有完成 although = 尽管,虽然例子:A car overtook me although I was going fast.(我虽然开得很快,还是被一辆车超过了) but = 但是,除此之外 例子 :but i didn't eat it ( 但是我没吃) and = 和 例子:me and you ( 我和你) book and pencil ( 书和铅笔)