高中英语短文改错题,All of the students in our class are taking active part in a low-carbon life now.We choose to go to school by bike or on foot other than by bus or car.After we leave our classroom,we make sure of the lights and the computers are switched off.We


All of the students in our class are taking active part in a low-carbon life now.We choose to go to school by bike or on foot other than by bus or car.After we leave our classroom,we make sure of the lights and the computers are switched off.We turn on the tap after we wash our hands.In order to make fully use of paper,we write on all sides.I think what we are doing can help us forming good habits.I hope more peoples around us will choose a low-carbon lifestyle.Only in this way will the earth remains a good place to live on.
1.part 可数,taking an active part
2.make sure of ---make sure that 接从句
3.turn on 打开----turn off 关上
4.on all sides---- on both sides 纸张只有两面
5.help us forming --- help us form 句型要求
6.more peoples --- more people 不加s
7.will the earth remains --- will the earth remain ,will + 动词原形
1.part 可数,taking an active part
2.make sure of ---make sure that 接从句
3.turn on 打开----turn off 关上
4.on all sides---- on both sides 纸张只有两面
5.help us forming --- help us form 句型要求
6.more peoples --- more people 不加s
7.will the earth remains --- will the earth remain ,will + 动词原形