

On Jan 9,2007,CEO Steve Jobs who's the most similar to the God brought us the first generation Iphone.Since then,the world has been changed.Iphone is the best cellphone in the world that applies the IOS system and carries 6500000 applied softwares.We can operate cellphone by touching screen without keys ever since Iphone,which opened up a new era.IPhone is expensive,but there are still a lot of people are willing to pay.So far,it's the most successful in the history that 250 million iPhones have been sold in global.Next-generation IPhone will be released in October,I believe the world will be changed once again. On Jan 9,2007,CEO Steve Jobs who's the most similar to the God brought us the first generation Iphone.Since then,the world has been changed.Iphone is the best cellphone in the world that applies the IOS system and carries 6500000 applied softwares.We can operate cellphone by touching screen without keys ever since Iphone,which opened up a new era.IPhone is expensive,but there are still a lot of people are willing to pay.So far,it's the most successful in the history that 250 million iPhones have been sold in global.Next-generation IPhone will be released in October,I believe the world will be changed once again.