下面的几句话用英语怎么说呢美国称霸全球是全世界人民的灾难 所以 会有一部分国家欢迎中国的强大 来与美国相抗衡 欧盟一体化后会成为美国最大的竞争者 但是欧盟一体化进程相当的苦难


美国称霸全球是全世界人民的灾难 所以 会有一部分国家欢迎中国的强大 来与美国相抗衡
欧盟一体化后会成为美国最大的竞争者 但是欧盟一体化进程相当的苦难
The USA take over the world is the doom for human.So some countries will support China become stronger and stronger to contend against America.
After the process of European Integration,Europe will become the mightiest power to compete with the USA.But for Europe,there is still a long way to go to finish the integration process of Europe.
The USA take over the world is the doom for human.So some countries will support China become stronger and stronger to contend against America.
After the process of European Integration,Europe will become the mightiest power to compete with the USA.But for Europe,there is still a long way to go to finish the integration process of Europe.