英语翻译帮我翻译几个句子 “如果我的签证顺利通过,我在今年10月底前往美国留学”“我感到有些矛盾,我一方面向往那里的生活,一方面又感到害怕与不舍”“我的英语不达标,并且中美文化差异,我担心适应不了那里的生活.”“我舍不得自己的家人和朋友”“我必须做出一些取舍”“每个人都应该做个有志向的人”“我必须深造我的学业”“我诚心希望能在美国交到许多好朋友.”有些多 在下英语菜鸟= =


有些多 在下英语菜鸟= =
If I could get my visa, I would go to Ameriaca at the end of October.
I am kind of frastrated. On the one hand, I expect my life here; on the other hand, I am a little afraid.
My English is not so good. What's more, there are some differences between China and Ameriaca. I am not sure whether I can adjust myself to life there.
I'll misss my family and friends.
Everyone has his own goals.\
I'd better further my study.
I am expecting to make new friends in America.
If I could get my visa, I would go to Ameriaca at the end of October.
I am kind of frastrated. On the one hand, I expect my life here; on the other hand, I am a little afraid.
My English is not so good. What's more, there are some differences between China and Ameriaca. I am not sure whether I can adjust myself to life there.
I'll misss my family and friends.
Everyone has his own goals.\
I'd better further my study.
I am expecting to make new friends in America.