英语翻译1.教学内容本单元围绕“问候”这一题材开展,要求学生掌握表示问候的五个句子,并能运用五个新句型,学生能熟练地做出相应的回答,并能进行人际会话.本课是本单元中第一课时.在A部分学习掌握了五个相关问候的提问与回答,学习How are you?Fine,thank you./ Not bad,thank you.Not so good.I’m sorry五个相关问候的句型.问候与同学的日常生活有密切的关系,因此培养学生懂礼貌,互相尊重的礼节,并学会互相关心,我注重鼓励同学之间互相问候,来让学生养成良好的


本单元围绕“问候”这一题材开展,要求学生掌握表示问候的五个句子,并能运用五个新句型,学生能熟练地做出相应的回答,并能进行人际会话.本课是本单元中第一课时.在A部分学习掌握了五个相关问候的提问与回答,学习How are you?Fine,thank you./ Not bad,thank you.Not so good.I’m sorry五个相关问候的句型.问候与同学的日常生活有密切的关系,因此培养学生懂礼貌,互相尊重的礼节,并学会互相关心,我注重鼓励同学之间互相问候,来让学生养成良好的习惯.通过用中学、学中用、反复实践、学用结合的方式,在学习与问候相关的句型,也促进了学生语言技能的日常应用,为后阶段的英语学习打下扎实的基础,培养良好的日常应用习惯.
content of courses
1. This unit is about the theme of "greetings", it requires students to express greetings with five sentences, and can use five new sentence patterns. Students need to make corresponding answer skillfully as well as make communication with persons. This class is the first class in this unit. In "A" part, we have to learn and master five questions and answers about greetings and the sentence patterns "How are you? Fine, thank you. / Not bad, thank you. Not so good. I’m sorry". Our daily life correlates closely with greetings, so it’s necessary to cultivate students with good manners, learn the courtesy of mutual respect and take care with each other. I pay attention to encourage students to greet each other to develop their good habits. Through the method of using by learning, learning by using and repeat practice, student can learn sentence patterns related with greetings. It also promotes students’ daily use of language skills, lays a solid foundation for their later stage of English learning, cultivates a good daily habit.
content of courses
1. This unit is about the theme of "greetings", it requires students to express greetings with five sentences, and can use five new sentence patterns. Students need to make corresponding answer skillfully as well as make communication with persons. This class is the first class in this unit. In "A" part, we have to learn and master five questions and answers about greetings and the sentence patterns "How are you? Fine, thank you. / Not bad, thank you. Not so good. I’m sorry". Our daily life correlates closely with greetings, so it’s necessary to cultivate students with good manners, learn the courtesy of mutual respect and take care with each other. I pay attention to encourage students to greet each other to develop their good habits. Through the method of using by learning, learning by using and repeat practice, student can learn sentence patterns related with greetings. It also promotes students’ daily use of language skills, lays a solid foundation for their later stage of English learning, cultivates a good daily habit.