写请假条的英语作文假如你是Tom,你昨天(5月20日)感冒,发烧、头痛,感到很累。去看医生,医生要你休息两天,按时吃药,多喝水。所以你想请假两天,回到学校后,一定补上所缺的功课。请给你的老师Mr Smith 写一张请假条,60~80词左右。假条的开头、结尾已给出。 单词提示: 补上 make up May 20 Dear Mr Smith, Thank you. Tom


写请假条的英语作文假如你是Tom,你昨天(5月20日)感冒,发烧、头痛,感到很累。去看医生,医生要你休息两天,按时吃药,多喝水。所以你想请假两天,回到学校后,一定补上所缺的功课。请给你的老师Mr Smith 写一张请假条,60~80词左右。假条的开头、结尾已给出。 单词提示: 补上 make up May 20 Dear Mr Smith, Thank you. Tom
Dear Mr Smith, I'm sorry I can't go to school today. I got a bad cold yesterday. I had a high fever and a headache. I coughed a lot. I felt very tired. So my mother took me to see the doctor. The doctor told me to stay in bed for two days, take the medicine on time and drink more water. So I have to ask for two days' leave. I will work hard to make up the lost lessons after I go back to school. Thanks Thank you. Tom Dear Mr Smith, I'm sorry I can't go to school today. I got a bad cold yesterday. I had a high fever and a headache. I coughed a lot. I felt very tired. So my mother took me to see the doctor. The doctor told me to stay in bed for two days, take the medicine on time and drink more water. So I have to ask for two days' leave. I will work hard to make up the lost lessons after I go back to school. Thanks Thank you. Tom