

In the past five years more and more college students go to college libraries to do some reading.A survey has been made about the ratio of the library seats- taking as follows:
As the chart shows,the ratio of it is low in Febrary,that in April is higher than in
Febrary,and the ratio of it in June is the highest of all. I think this is a good
phenomenon.College students' enjoying reading books can enrich their knowledge and encourage them to develop more skills so that they can serve the people and the country when the graduate from college. In addition,the current situation of employment is so serious that college students have to master more knowledge and real talents in order to find a proper position in society in the future.
Therefore,in my point of view,it is necessary and important for college students to read more books in libraries.
In the past five years more and more college students go to college libraries to do some reading.A survey has been made about the ratio of the library seats- taking as follows:
As the chart shows,the ratio of it is low in Febrary,that in April is higher than in
Febrary,and the ratio of it in June is the highest of all. I think this is a good
phenomenon.College students' enjoying reading books can enrich their knowledge and encourage them to develop more skills so that they can serve the people and the country when the graduate from college. In addition,the current situation of employment is so serious that college students have to master more knowledge and real talents in order to find a proper position in society in the future.
Therefore,in my point of view,it is necessary and important for college students to read more books in libraries.
相关标签: 英语 图画 作文 图表 大学 图书馆 中等 最高 左右