帮忙翻译成英语:有关奥运知识的奥林匹克格言“更快、更高、更强” Faster,Higher,Stronger, 是励运动员要继续不断的参加运动、努力求进步与追求自我的突破虽然只有短短的六个字,而其中的含义却非常丰富.“更快!更高!更强!”不仅是指运动成绩,它有更深的含义;“参加奥运比赛,最重要的目的不是赢得冠军,而是参与”!它既是指在竞技场上,面对强手时,发扬大无畏的精神,敢于斗争,敢于胜利.也是指对自己永不满足,不断地战胜自己,向新的极限冲击.不仅如此,这句格言还鼓励人们应该在自己生活的各个方面不断地超


奥林匹克格言“更快、更高、更强” Faster,Higher,Stronger, 是励运动员要继续不断的参加运动、努力求进步与追求自我的突破
Olympics maxim “quicker, higher, stronger” Faster, Higher, Stronger, is urges the athlete to have the continuously participation movement, to strive for to progress and to pursue the self-breakthrough diligently
Although only then short six characters, but meaning extremely is actually rich.“Quicker! Higher! Stronger!”Not only refers to the movement result, it has a deeper meaning; “Attends Olympic Games to compete, the most important goal wins the champion, but is the participation”!
It refers in the sports arena, when facing skilled person, carries forward the dauntless spirit, dares to struggle, dares to win.Also is refers to oneself never satisfies, defeats unceasingly oneself, to new limit impact.Not only that, this maxim also encourages the people to be supposed each aspect which lives in oneself superego, unceasingly to renew unceasingly, forever maintains the vigorous vitality.Time just when the end of the period approaches wishes fellow schoolmates in this to test in the end of the period also can Gauguin be quickly stronger.
The Olympic Games will already have conducted for more than 100 years, 29 sessions, have been following 29 footprints, it left behind very many happy histories, below we looked its 29 footprints, below we will explain its history for you
Below comes by our group's another members for everybody to explain modern Olympic Games
Olympics maxim “quicker, higher, stronger” Faster, Higher, Stronger, is urges the athlete to have the continuously participation movement, to strive for to progress and to pursue the self-breakthrough diligently
Although only then short six characters, but meaning extremely is actually rich.“Quicker! Higher! Stronger!”Not only refers to the movement result, it has a deeper meaning; “Attends Olympic Games to compete, the most important goal wins the champion, but is the participation”!
It refers in the sports arena, when facing skilled person, carries forward the dauntless spirit, dares to struggle, dares to win.Also is refers to oneself never satisfies, defeats unceasingly oneself, to new limit impact.Not only that, this maxim also encourages the people to be supposed each aspect which lives in oneself superego, unceasingly to renew unceasingly, forever maintains the vigorous vitality.Time just when the end of the period approaches wishes fellow schoolmates in this to test in the end of the period also can Gauguin be quickly stronger.
The Olympic Games will already have conducted for more than 100 years, 29 sessions, have been following 29 footprints, it left behind very many happy histories, below we looked its 29 footprints, below we will explain its history for you
Below comes by our group's another members for everybody to explain modern Olympic Games