帮忙 翻译成英文 谢谢啦 急!价格营销组合的一个重要因素,产品价格的高低直接决定企业的收益水平,也影响到企业产品在国际市场的收益,国内定价本身很复杂,当产品销售到国外市场时,由于运费.关税等因素又增加了国际定价的难度,所以企业必须大力研究确定国际营销中的定价策略. 麻烦把这段文字翻译成英文 谢谢啦 !急用 哦!


帮忙 翻译成英文 谢谢啦 急!
价格营销组合的一个重要因素,产品价格的高低直接决定企业的收益水平,也影响到企业产品在国际市场的收益,国内定价本身很复杂,当产品销售到国外市场时,由于运费.关税等因素又增加了国际定价的难度,所以企业必须大力研究确定国际营销中的定价策略. 麻烦把这段文字翻译成英文 谢谢啦 !急用 哦!
The price of the marketing mix an important factor, the level of prices directly deciding the level of income, but also affect their products in the international market gains, the domestic pricing itself very complicated, when sales to foreign markets, as freight. Tariffs and other factors Has also increased the difficulty of the international pricing, companies must vigorously identify international marketing research in the pricing strategy The price of the marketing mix an important factor, the level of prices directly deciding the level of income, but also affect their products in the international market gains, the domestic pricing itself very complicated, when sales to foreign markets, as freight. Tariffs and other factors Has also increased the difficulty of the international pricing, companies must vigorously identify international marketing research in the pricing strategy