初中英语的难点总结类似thousand 和 thousands 的区别之类的较为基础的


类似thousand 和 thousands 的区别之类的较为基础的
1.after 主要用于时间或次序,behind 主要用于位置:
He decided to leave after lunch.他决定午饭后离开.
Summer comes after spring.春去夏来.
The hospital is behind the post office.医院在邮局后面.
【注】behind 有时也用于时间,表示“迟于”,主要用于behind time(迟,晚)这一习语:
The train was 20 minutes behind time.火车晚点 20 分钟.
2.两者都可用于引申义,after 侧重指追求、寻找、模仿等;而behind 则侧重指在背后、支持、落后等:
The police are after her.警察在追捕她.
Many young people are after her.许多年青人都追求她.
We are behind you completely.我们完全支持你.
He is behind the others in maths.他的数学不如别人.
两均可与一段时间连用,表示“在…之后”,但 after 表示以过去时间为起点的一段时间以后,因此通常与过去时连用;而 in 则表示从现在算起的一段时间以后,因此通常用于将来时或含有将来意义的句子:
He came back after three days.3天后他回来了.
I’ll come back in three days.我3天后回来.
I think he can come back in three days.我想他3天后可以回来.
【注】after 除与时间段连用外,还可与时间点连用,此时则可用于将来时(但是in不能与时间点连用):
He will arrive after five o’clock.他 5 点钟以后到.
另外,after可以与某些表示活动的名词连用,表示“在…之后”(in不能这样用):after school  放学后                        after class 下课后
after the meeting 散会后                  after liberation 解放后
a.He must be very old.Look,he has grey ________.
b.He found some ________ in his soup.
A.hair,hair        B.hairs,hairs      C.hair,hairs       D.hairs,hair
【分析】此题应选 C,容易误选 A,误认为hair永远不可数.其实hair这个词既可以是可数的,也可以是不可数,只是含义稍有变化:
Look at this,a hair in my soup.你瞧,我的汤里有根头发.
The cat has left her loose hairs all over my clothes.猫掉的毛弄得我衣服上到处都是.
My father has quite a few gray hairs.我父亲已有不少白发.
There is not a gray hair on his head.他头上没有一根白头发.
I'll have my hair cut.我要去理发.
He has blond hair.他有一头金发.
She has a beautiful head of hair.她有一头漂亮的头发.
The woman likes to do her hair in foreign style.这个女人喜欢把头发梳成外国式.
He has grey hair.他满头白发.
He has grey hairs.他有些白发了.
1.after 主要用于时间或次序,behind 主要用于位置:
He decided to leave after lunch.他决定午饭后离开.
Summer comes after spring.春去夏来.
The hospital is behind the post office.医院在邮局后面.
【注】behind 有时也用于时间,表示“迟于”,主要用于behind time(迟,晚)这一习语:
The train was 20 minutes behind time.火车晚点 20 分钟.
2.两者都可用于引申义,after 侧重指追求、寻找、模仿等;而behind 则侧重指在背后、支持、落后等:
The police are after her.警察在追捕她.
Many young people are after her.许多年青人都追求她.
We are behind you completely.我们完全支持你.
He is behind the others in maths.他的数学不如别人.
两均可与一段时间连用,表示“在…之后”,但 after 表示以过去时间为起点的一段时间以后,因此通常与过去时连用;而 in 则表示从现在算起的一段时间以后,因此通常用于将来时或含有将来意义的句子:
He came back after three days.3天后他回来了.
I’ll come back in three days.我3天后回来.
I think he can come back in three days.我想他3天后可以回来.
【注】after 除与时间段连用外,还可与时间点连用,此时则可用于将来时(但是in不能与时间点连用):
He will arrive after five o’clock.他 5 点钟以后到.
另外,after可以与某些表示活动的名词连用,表示“在…之后”(in不能这样用):after school  放学后                        after class 下课后
after the meeting 散会后                  after liberation 解放后
a.He must be very old.Look,he has grey ________.
b.He found some ________ in his soup.
A.hair,hair        B.hairs,hairs      C.hair,hairs       D.hairs,hair
【分析】此题应选 C,容易误选 A,误认为hair永远不可数.其实hair这个词既可以是可数的,也可以是不可数,只是含义稍有变化:
Look at this,a hair in my soup.你瞧,我的汤里有根头发.
The cat has left her loose hairs all over my clothes.猫掉的毛弄得我衣服上到处都是.
My father has quite a few gray hairs.我父亲已有不少白发.
There is not a gray hair on his head.他头上没有一根白头发.
I'll have my hair cut.我要去理发.
He has blond hair.他有一头金发.
She has a beautiful head of hair.她有一头漂亮的头发.
The woman likes to do her hair in foreign style.这个女人喜欢把头发梳成外国式.
He has grey hair.他满头白发.
He has grey hairs.他有些白发了.
相关标签: 初中英语 总结 类似 基础