写一篇英文短文,80词左右.假如你叫王俊峰,下周五你校将举行运动会,下面是你与老师,同学的参赛情况.名字 参赛项目 情况 王俊峰 400米接力 努力第一个跑过终点并希望将来能有机会参加奥运会 白莉莉 跳远和跳高 她的外国朋友Steve会为她加油,助威 李明 800米跑 校运会将会激动人心 Miss Wang 教师接力赛 Michael会给她拍照


名字 参赛项目 情况 王俊峰 400米接力 努力第一个跑过终点并希望将来能有机会参加奥运会 白莉莉 跳远和跳高 她的外国朋友Steve会为她加油,助威 李明 800米跑 校运会将会激动人心 Miss Wang 教师接力赛 Michael会给她拍照
It is important for us to have a healthy body
One method of keeping healthy is to participate in more sports items.
It is really a good habit to have proper exercises,like,running,jumping,roping and the list can go on forever,which did do good to our body.
So taking part in the sports activities in scholl provide a good stage for students to exercise themselves,and relaxed from the classes.
So, it is positive for students to have P.E. lessons
It is important for us to have a healthy body
One method of keeping healthy is to participate in more sports items.
It is really a good habit to have proper exercises,like,running,jumping,roping and the list can go on forever,which did do good to our body.
So taking part in the sports activities in scholl provide a good stage for students to exercise themselves,and relaxed from the classes.
So, it is positive for students to have P.E. lessons