英语翻译翻译一下书目 和 节目,要地道,翻译器闪边1.园艺博览会; 书发艺术展; 国画艺术展; 治沙绿化展;2.新年音乐会; 芭蕾交响音乐会; 爱乐乐团交响乐会3.明代小说简介;清代小说一览;中国现代和当代话剧 ;元曲集;电影语言和文学语言;哲学是什么;中外名人传记4.某某诗传; 某某回忆录;5.杂志官方名:中国国家地理;新周刊;财经; 南方周末一楼你不认字吗?翻译器一边闪!


翻译一下书目 和 节目,要地道,翻译器闪边
1.园艺博览会; 书发艺术展; 国画艺术展; 治沙绿化展;
2.新年音乐会; 芭蕾交响音乐会; 爱乐乐团交响乐会
3.明代小说简介;清代小说一览;中国现代和当代话剧 ;元曲集;电影语言和文学语言;哲学是什么;中外名人传记
4.某某诗传; 某某回忆录;
5.杂志官方名:中国国家地理;新周刊;财经; 南方周末
1.Exhibition of Gardening; Art Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy; Art Exhibition of Chinese Painting; Planting Show of Desert.
2.New Year Concert; Concert of Ballet & Symphony;
Philharmonic Orchestra Concert
3.a Profile of Ming Dynasty Novels; A List of Ching Dynasty Novels; Chinese Contemporary and Morden Drama; A Collection of Yuan Opera; Cinematic Language and Literary Language; What Is Philosophy; Biography of Notable Figure(Home and Abroad-可要可不要)
4.Poetry-Biography about/of XXX; XXX's Memoirist;
5.official name of magazines:National Geography of China;
New Weekly; Finance and Economy; South Weekend
1.Exhibition of Gardening; Art Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy; Art Exhibition of Chinese Painting; Planting Show of Desert.
2.New Year Concert; Concert of Ballet & Symphony;
Philharmonic Orchestra Concert
3.a Profile of Ming Dynasty Novels; A List of Ching Dynasty Novels; Chinese Contemporary and Morden Drama; A Collection of Yuan Opera; Cinematic Language and Literary Language; What Is Philosophy; Biography of Notable Figure(Home and Abroad-可要可不要)
4.Poetry-Biography about/of XXX; XXX's Memoirist;
5.official name of magazines:National Geography of China;
New Weekly; Finance and Economy; South Weekend
相关标签: 地道 翻译器