Badminton is a fast game played by two or four persons.羽毛球是一项由两或四人组成的快速运动.It can be played both indoors and outdoors.它既可以在室内进行,也可以在室外.The outdoor game is more suitable for family enjoyment at home.比起在家里,室外更适合一家大小进行娱乐活动.Badminton is an ancient game,which took its name from the place where the game was played indoors for the first time.羽毛球是一项古老的运动,它的命名是源于第一次在室内举行的地方.There are several explanations of how the modern game began.对于这项现代体育运动是如何开始运行,有各种各样的解释.One is that English army officers brought the game home from India in the 1870s and it soon became popular in England.其中一个解释便是,英国军队的官员在19世纪70年代从印度将这项体育运动带回英国,很快,这项运动变风靡英国.
Badminton is a fast game played by two or four persons.羽毛球是一项由两或四人组成的快速运动.It can be played both indoors and outdoors.它既可以在室内进行,也可以在室外.The outdoor game is more suitable for family enjoyment at home.比起在家里,室外更适合一家大小进行娱乐活动.Badminton is an ancient game,which took its name from the place where the game was played indoors for the first time.羽毛球是一项古老的运动,它的命名是源于第一次在室内举行的地方.There are several explanations of how the modern game began.对于这项现代体育运动是如何开始运行,有各种各样的解释.One is that English army officers brought the game home from India in the 1870s and it soon became popular in England.其中一个解释便是,英国军队的官员在19世纪70年代从印度将这项体育运动带回英国,很快,这项运动变风靡英国.