java英语单选题which modifier should be applide to a method for the lock of object this to be obtained prior to execution any of the method body?a:synchronized b:abstract c:final d:static e:publicwhich modifier should be applied to a method for


which modifier should be applide to a method for the lock of object this to be obtained prior to execution any of the method body?
a:synchronized b:abstract c:final d:static e:public
which modifier should be applied to a method for the lock of object this to be obtained prior to execution any of the method body?
为了让固定的对象this在执行一个方法体之前就被得到(取得),下面哪个修饰符 应该用来修饰 这个方法 ??synchronized 方法控制对类成员变量的访问:每个类实例对应一把锁(this),每个 synchronized 方法都必须获... 为了让固定的对象this在执行一个方法体之前就被得到(取得),下面哪个修饰符 应该用来修饰 这个方法 ??synchronized 方法控制对类成员变量的访问:每个类实例对应一把锁(this),每个 synchronized 方法都必须获...