英语翻译[摘要]古代书籍是用人工书写的,从唐代后逐渐由手工改为刻板印刷,通常认为历朝历代流传下来的古籍就是“善本”,存世少的称为“珍本”或“孤本”.本文通过查阅资料及考证,对“善本”一词提出一些新的拙见.[关键词] 古籍 善本 鉴别


[关键词] 古籍 善本 鉴别
Ancient books were coppied by hand. After the Tang Dynasty books were gradually changed from hand-coppying to block-printing. It is believed that ancient books handed down from the past dynasties are classified into the group of rare and reliable coppies. And if such ancient books are kept few on earth, they are called rare coppies or unique coppies. This article , based on rich information and proofs, presents some new ideas about what rare and reliable coppies are.
【Key words】ancient books, rare and reliable coppies, distinguish
Ancient books were coppied by hand. After the Tang Dynasty books were gradually changed from hand-coppying to block-printing. It is believed that ancient books handed down from the past dynasties are classified into the group of rare and reliable coppies. And if such ancient books are kept few on earth, they are called rare coppies or unique coppies. This article , based on rich information and proofs, presents some new ideas about what rare and reliable coppies are.
【Key words】ancient books, rare and reliable coppies, distinguish