加拿大大学 转学分 信 看不懂了上面是个转学分的表格 每个课程后面有数字 如:“经济学 9223”下面备注写着:The numbers are those of the Acadia course equivalents.If '9' is the first digit,it means that Acadia does not have an equivalent course but an elective credit has been awarded.If you feel that an ad


加拿大大学 转学分 信 看不懂了
上面是个转学分的表格 每个课程后面有数字 如:“经济学 9223”
The numbers are those of the Acadia course equivalents.If '9' is the first digit,it means that Acadia does not have an equivalent course but an elective credit has been awarded.If you feel that an adjustment in your assessment is warranted,please contact your department when you arrive to discuss any changes.Complete course descriptions will be required.
数字是那些在阿卡迪亚课程等同.如果“9”是第一位,即阿卡迪亚没有一个相当课程但选修学分获.如果你觉得一个调整你的评估是必要的,请与您的部门当你讨论任何变化.完整的课程将需要. 数字是那些在阿卡迪亚课程等同.如果“9”是第一位,即阿卡迪亚没有一个相当课程但选修学分获.如果你觉得一个调整你的评估是必要的,请与您的部门当你讨论任何变化.完整的课程将需要.