在线等英语翻译高手!人工翻译2句长句!个人翻译有困难!翻译的好另加分!再说一次!软件的您不必麻烦了!坐等不计较分数的好心人! 广告通常有一些共同的特点,如语言上引人入胜,说服力强,修辞手段的运用也别具一格,如语意双关、文字游戏等,使人感到幽默中见智慧,平淡中显新奇. 广告语言在形式上也极具鲜明特色,或行文工整、对仗押韵,或节奏感强、琅琅上口,或一鸣惊人、耳目一新,可以收到耐人寻味,经久不忘的效果列.
there are always some common characteristics in all advertisements, such as the fascinating and convincing language, distinctive use of rhetoric devices like punning and word play. By doing so, wisdom is found out of humor and novelty out of matter-of-fact.
there are also some bright characteristics in the style of advertising language. some of them may feature neatly use of antithesis and rhyme; some may have a strong rhyme and read fluently; and others may be blockbusting and refreshing, affording much food for reflection and ever-lasting memory.
there are always some common characteristics in all advertisements, such as the fascinating and convincing language, distinctive use of rhetoric devices like punning and word play. By doing so, wisdom is found out of humor and novelty out of matter-of-fact.
there are also some bright characteristics in the style of advertising language. some of them may feature neatly use of antithesis and rhyme; some may have a strong rhyme and read fluently; and others may be blockbusting and refreshing, affording much food for reflection and ever-lasting memory.