英语作文,上星期,学校就学生的作业量问题要求各班召开家长会进行讨论,多数家长认为作业多有好处,而部分家长则认为作业过多对孩子的成长不利,请根据一下的家长观点,用英语写一段100词左右的介绍并表明你的观点.Most parents :1.review what students have learned2.develop students' minds3.stop students playing computer games4.A few parents1.take a lot of time2.cann


Most parents :
1.review what students have learned
2.develop students' minds
3.stop students playing computer games
A few parents
1.take a lot of time
2.cannot have a good rest
3.cannot do the things students like
Last week a parents' meeting was held after school. It was said that most parents review what students have learned a lot through a great amount of homework. Heavy study load could develop students' minds and stop students from playing computer games. However, others think differently, thinking that too much homework take students a lot of time and students cannot have a great rest after school by doing what they are interested in. As for me, i sided with the latter without hesitation, because students should be developed in an all-around way and do whatever they are interested in. It was well known that interests is the best teacher for young children. Therefore, i think too much homework do harm to students' development. Last week a parents' meeting was held after school. It was said that most parents review what students have learned a lot through a great amount of homework. Heavy study load could develop students' minds and stop students from playing computer games. However, others think differently, thinking that too much homework take students a lot of time and students cannot have a great rest after school by doing what they are interested in. As for me, i sided with the latter without hesitation, because students should be developed in an all-around way and do whatever they are interested in. It was well known that interests is the best teacher for young children. Therefore, i think too much homework do harm to students' development.