英语作文,假设你是李华,你和同学们约定去植物园,你的英国朋友Peter也应邀参加,请你很据以下信息给Peter,发一封短信告诉他行程信息,主要内容包括:1 8:30在植物园门口集合.2,1早晨游园,划船,拍照.2,中午野餐.3下午穿越小桥,挑战危险.3,5:30返回.


假设你是李华,你和同学们约定去植物园,你的英国朋友Peter也应邀参加,请你很据以下信息给Peter,发一封短信告诉他行程信息,主要内容包括:1 8:30在植物园门口集合.2,1早晨游园,划船,拍照.2,中午野餐.3下午穿越小桥,挑战危险.3,5:30返回.
We will visit the Botanical garden on Saturday.First,we will meet together at the gate of the Botanical garden.
In the morning,we will visit the Botanical garden ,and we will row a boat ,and then we will take photos.
At noon,we will go for a picnic ,and it's the best thing I want to do.
In the afternoon.we will through the bridge ,take a risk ,challenge the difficulties.
At last,we will be back at half past five.
We will visit the Botanical garden on Saturday.First,we will meet together at the gate of the Botanical garden.
In the morning,we will visit the Botanical garden ,and we will row a boat ,and then we will take photos.
At noon,we will go for a picnic ,and it's the best thing I want to do.
In the afternoon.we will through the bridge ,take a risk ,challenge the difficulties.
At last,we will be back at half past five.