刚进大学门口,你就可以看到左边是教学楼,右边是右边是实验楼,再过去一点,左边是1 3 6栋女生舍,右边是图书馆,图书馆过去是第三食堂,食堂对面是教学楼.用英语翻译


刚进大学门口,你就可以看到左边是教学楼,右边是右边是实验楼,再过去一点,左边是1 3 6栋女生
Just enter the university gate,you can see on the left is the teaching building,experimental building on the right is,in the past,the left 136 female students dormitories,and on the right is the library,the library in the past is the third canteen,canteen is opposite the teaching building. Just enter the university gate,you can see on the left is the teaching building,experimental building on the right is,in the past,the left 136 female students dormitories,and on the right is the library,the library in the past is the third canteen,canteen is opposite the teaching building.