书面表达。      某英语报社就中学生使用手机的利弊进行了一个调查。请你根据下表提供的调查结果和有关建议,写一篇关于中学生使用手机的短文。 Pros Cons 1. 聊天、发短信很有乐趣 1. 使用手机浪费时间 2. 方便和父母、朋友电话联系 2. 上课时使用手机打扰师生 3. 是时尚的体现 3. 相互攀比给家庭造成压力 建议:1. 在校不许使用手机   &nb


Pros Cons
1. 聊天、发短信很有乐趣 1. 使用手机浪费时间
2. 方便和父母、朋友电话联系 2. 上课时使用手机打扰师生
3. 是时尚的体现 3. 相互攀比给家庭造成压力
建议:1. 在校不许使用手机                                    2. 应集中精力学习
要求:1. 词数在80词左右; 
          2. 所给提示必须用上;(不要逐字翻译)
          3. 语言流畅,书写规范;
          4. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。
     An English newspaper made a survey on whether students can go to school with mobile phones.
     Some students think _____________________________________________________________
One possible version:      An English newspaper made a survey on whether students can go to school with mobile phones.      Some students think it's necessary to have a mobile phone. First it is fun to chat and send short messages. Second it's convenient to call their parents and friends. Besides it's trendy.      However others disagree. In their opinion you will waste much time. If it rings in class both your teachers and classmates will be bothered. What's worse because many students try to buy more expensive mobile phones they add pressure to their families.      Here is some advice. Students mustn't use mobile phones in school. They should concentrate on their studies.
One possible version:      An English newspaper made a survey on whether students can go to school with mobile phones.      Some students think it's necessary to have a mobile phone. First it is fun to chat and send short messages. Second it's convenient to call their parents and friends. Besides it's trendy.      However others disagree. In their opinion you will waste much time. If it rings in class both your teachers and classmates will be bothered. What's worse because many students try to buy more expensive mobile phones they add pressure to their families.      Here is some advice. Students mustn't use mobile phones in school. They should concentrate on their studies.