

笑话1.my name is shut up!
One day there were three people.their names were Manners,Trouble,and Shut up.One day they were playing hide and seek.Manners got a tummy ache so he went to the toilet.Trouble was hidding.Shut up was findding trouble when he met a police man.The policeman:what is your name?
Shut up:shut up!
The policeman:are you looking for trouble?
Shut up:yes!
The policeman:where are your manners?
Shut up:in the toilet.
2.loss of voice
One guy goes to a doctor and says,"Doctor,my wife has lost her voice.What should I do to help her get it back?"
The doctor replies,"Try to come home at 3 in the morning."
3.Time Is Money
As the taxi came to a screeching halt at a traffic light,I asked the driver,"Do you agree that 'Time is money'?"
"Well,it's a very common saying.Who will care so much about that?" the driver answered.
"Look,the digits in the meter are still running when the car has stopped,"I pointed at the meter.
"Oh,yes.You've got a point here.In this case,time is money for both of us." added the driver.
"Well,it's a very common saying.Who will care so much about that?" the driver answered.
"Look,the digits in the meter are still running when the car has stopped,"I pointed at the meter.
"Oh,yes.You've got a point here.In this case,time is money for both of us." added the driver.
笑话1.my name is shut up!
One day there were three people.their names were Manners,Trouble,and Shut up.One day they were playing hide and seek.Manners got a tummy ache so he went to the toilet.Trouble was hidding.Shut up was findding trouble when he met a police man.The policeman:what is your name?
Shut up:shut up!
The policeman:are you looking for trouble?
Shut up:yes!
The policeman:where are your manners?
Shut up:in the toilet.
2.loss of voice
One guy goes to a doctor and says,"Doctor,my wife has lost her voice.What should I do to help her get it back?"
The doctor replies,"Try to come home at 3 in the morning."
3.Time Is Money
As the taxi came to a screeching halt at a traffic light,I asked the driver,"Do you agree that 'Time is money'?"
"Well,it's a very common saying.Who will care so much about that?" the driver answered.
"Look,the digits in the meter are still running when the car has stopped,"I pointed at the meter.
"Oh,yes.You've got a point here.In this case,time is money for both of us." added the driver.
"Well,it's a very common saying.Who will care so much about that?" the driver answered.
"Look,the digits in the meter are still running when the car has stopped,"I pointed at the meter.
"Oh,yes.You've got a point here.In this case,time is money for both of us." added the driver.