英语翻译大学是什么?什么是大学?心理学家如是说:它可能是人生最好的时期,也可能是最坏的时期 它可能是智慧的时期,也可能是愚蠢的时期 它是信仰的时期,也是怀疑的时期 它可能是光明的时期,也可能是黑暗的时期 它可能是充满希望的春天,也可能是令人失望的冬天 我们前途有着一切,我们前途什么也没有 我们也许正在直升天堂,我们也许也正在直坠地狱 其实,无论如何,大学都是你人生中最难以磨灭的经历与财富.一个年轻的团队,一群年轻的家伙,用年轻的双腿,执着地追逐着一个年轻的梦想——仅仅只是为了在人生的画布上,画下一个完美的


What is university?What is university?The psychologist says like this:
It may be a best period of life ,also
may be the worst period it may be a
sapiential period ,also may be a
foolish period it is the belief period
,is also a suspicious period
It may be a bright period ,also may be a
Cimmerian period it may be to be full of
spring hoping ,also may be disappointing
our future has everything in winter,our
future what neither has us is maybe rising
stright up to Heaven ,we fall down from
hell maybe also in course of straightly
Learn go through and wealth being that you are difficult to wear away most in life enthusiastically in fact ,anyway.
A young team ,a group of young chap,use young pair of leg,to go ahead only only for the canvas in life being running after a young fond dream tenaciously ,drawing next consummate full stop is not a tercel,but thinks of the soaring horizon; Also can gallop though being not a mustang,ten thousands li.
What is university?What is university?The psychologist says like this:
It may be a best period of life ,also
may be the worst period it may be a
sapiential period ,also may be a
foolish period it is the belief period
,is also a suspicious period
It may be a bright period ,also may be a
Cimmerian period it may be to be full of
spring hoping ,also may be disappointing
our future has everything in winter,our
future what neither has us is maybe rising
stright up to Heaven ,we fall down from
hell maybe also in course of straightly
Learn go through and wealth being that you are difficult to wear away most in life enthusiastically in fact ,anyway.
A young team ,a group of young chap,use young pair of leg,to go ahead only only for the canvas in life being running after a young fond dream tenaciously ,drawing next consummate full stop is not a tercel,but thinks of the soaring horizon; Also can gallop though being not a mustang,ten thousands li.