英语翻译2、到目前为止,我们已经学了约两千个英语单词.(so far)3、一旦你许下诺言,就不能食言.(make a promise)4、我叔叔告诉我学习上不能半途而废.(give up halfway)5、她兴奋得难以入睡.(too...to)6、这顶帽子是由手工而不是机器做的.(make)


2、到目前为止,我们已经学了约两千个英语单词.(so far)3、一旦你许下诺言,就不能食言.(make a promise)4、我叔叔告诉我学习上不能半途而废.(give up halfway)5、她兴奋得难以入睡.(too...to)6、这顶帽子是由手工而不是机器做的.(make)
2,We have learned about 2000 words so far.
3,Once you make a promise,you can't break it.
4,My uncle tells me that I can't give up my study halfway.
5,She was too excited to go to sleep.
6,This cap was made by hand instead of a machine.

2,We have learned about 2000 words so far.
3,Once you make a promise,you can't break it.
4,My uncle tells me that I can't give up my study halfway.
5,She was too excited to go to sleep.
6,This cap was made by hand instead of a machine.
