英语翻译要求每个单词之间空一格,用过去式什么的就随便了,小学生水平就行.my room我有一个自己的房间,它很大.里面有两张床,一个在左面,一个在右面.中间有一个桌子,桌子上有一本杂志,还有一个水杯,水杯里面是空的.桌子上还有一个电脑,它是黑色的.在我的房间里,还养着一些鱼,它们在我的鱼缸里,是红色的.在房间的左面还有一个衣柜,里面是我的衣服.我的房间有些大,但是可以住下两个人.2.my day今天,我很晚起床,然后我洗脸刷牙,然后写作业.写完了今天的作业,我和妈妈去江边玩.江水很绿,岸边有一些黄色的花.


my room
2.my day
1. My Room
I have my own room. It is very big. There are two beds in it. One is on the left. The other is on the right. There is a desk in the middle. There is a water cup and magazine on the desk. The water cup is empty. There is a computer on the desk, too. It is black. In my room, I have some fishes. They are in my fish tank. It is red. There is a wardrode in the left side of my room. My clothes are in it. My room is big and can fit 2 people.
2. My day
Today, I got up late. Then I washed my face and brushed my teeth. After that, I did my homework. After I finished my homework, my mom and I went out to play near the lake. The lake was green. There are some yellow flowers on the bank. At night, we were walking on the stones near the lake. The wind was cool. The weather was a little cold, so we went home. After we got home, I went to bed after I watched TV for a while. It was fun today.
1. My Room
I have my own room. It is very big. There are two beds in it. One is on the left. The other is on the right. There is a desk in the middle. There is a water cup and magazine on the desk. The water cup is empty. There is a computer on the desk, too. It is black. In my room, I have some fishes. They are in my fish tank. It is red. There is a wardrode in the left side of my room. My clothes are in it. My room is big and can fit 2 people.
2. My day
Today, I got up late. Then I washed my face and brushed my teeth. After that, I did my homework. After I finished my homework, my mom and I went out to play near the lake. The lake was green. There are some yellow flowers on the bank. At night, we were walking on the stones near the lake. The wind was cool. The weather was a little cold, so we went home. After we got home, I went to bed after I watched TV for a while. It was fun today.