高考英语 第八个为什么不选B却选D.9为什么选C8.Ifeel uncomfortable each time I remember the situation Mary didn’t agreewith me the matter.A.that; at B.when;about C.which; to D.where; over9.Motivational speakers charge thousands ofdollars to pass this kind of training to bu


高考英语 第八个为什么不选B却选D.9为什么选C
8.Ifeel uncomfortable each time I remember the situation _______ Mary didn’t agreewith me ___ the matter.
A.that; at B.when;about C.which; to D.where; over
9.Motivational speakers charge thousands ofdollars to pass _______ this kind of training to business managers.
A.by B.away C.on D.into
where 修饰situation 意思是“Mary不同意我的地方” 所以用排除法选D
pass by 经过 pass away 去世 pass on传递 pass into进入
where 修饰situation 意思是“Mary不同意我的地方” 所以用排除法选D
pass by 经过 pass away 去世 pass on传递 pass into进入