完形填空和首字母填空:六、 完形填空.(10%)Tea is a kind of 1.People often talk 2 it.There 3 different kinds of tea.It usually grows4 hills.Tea is popular in China.It’s also popular in many 5 countries.In Southern China,people 6 green tea.But in the North and East of China,


六、 完形填空.(10%)
Tea is a kind of __1__.People often talk __2__
it.There __3__ different kinds of tea.It usually grows__4__ hills.Tea is
popular in China.It’s also popular in many __5__ countries.In Southern China,
people __6___ green tea.But in the North and East of China,people prefer(=like
better) jasmine(茉莉) tea with sugar in it.__7__ people drink tea with both milk
__8__ sugar.It’s good __9__ drink tea,because it is healthy.Now,let’s have a
__10__ tea.
( ) 1 A.water B.food C.
drink D.fruit
( ) 2 A .with B.about C.
on D.for
( ) 3 A.are B.is
C.do D.does
( ) 4 A.on B.above
C.in D.over
( ) 5 A.other B.another
C.the other D.others
( ) 6 A.likes B.is like
C.like D.are like
( ) 7 A.England B.English C.
China D.Chinese
( ) 8 A.or B.and
C.but D.without
( ) 9 A.to B.for
C.of D.at
( ) 10 A.cup B.glass C.
cup of D.lots of
七、 首字母填空 (10%)
Here is an e-mail from Gregory to his e-friend Tony
in Shanghai.Help him to complete it.
T__1__ for telling me about your family.Let me tell
you about my family.You know I have a brother and he is 13 y__2__old.He likes
hiking and climbing mountains.My brother is very tall and he can climb f__3__ a
long time.
My father works hard.He is a doctor.He likes
watching television,r­­­­__4___ books and c__5__ with his friends.
My mother a__6__ works hard.She is a teacher.She
t__7__ young children.She d__8___ like cooking.She likes listening to music.
My family h_9__ a car.We like to go to the
mountains.We o__10__ go for a picnic.
1.T_______ 2.y_______ 3.f _______
4.r_______ 5.c_______
6.a_______ 7.t_______
8.d_______ 9.h_______ 10.o_______
完型: CBAAA CBBAC首字母填空: 1. Thanks 2.years 3. for 4. reading 5. chatting 6. also 7. teaches 8. doesn't 9. has 10. often 完型: CBAAA CBBAC首字母填空: 1. Thanks 2.years 3. for 4. reading 5. chatting 6. also 7. teaches 8. doesn't 9. has 10. often