

Once upon a time,there was a child to shepherd to the mountain.And he felt very boring,then he wanted to make a joke to scare the farmers who lived in the country.He shouted out loudly and said:"Wolf!Wolf!Help!"Then the farmers came,and saw on wolf but the laughing child,and they go away.But the child shouted again few minutes late:"Help!help,wolf" When the farms came back,no wolf yet,they were angry.At last,the wolves really came,the boys screamed:"Help,help,he real wolves".And nobody came and help him. Once upon a time,there was a child to shepherd to the mountain.And he felt very boring,then he wanted to make a joke to scare the farmers who lived in the country.He shouted out loudly and said:"Wolf!Wolf!Help!"Then the farmers came,and saw on wolf but the laughing child,and they go away.But the child shouted again few minutes late:"Help!help,wolf" When the farms came back,no wolf yet,they were angry.At last,the wolves really came,the boys screamed:"Help,help,he real wolves".And nobody came and help him.
相关标签: 英语 作文