英语书面表达:Tina 是一名中学生,她的数学成绩不太理想,她想寻求帮助,请你以李明的名义给她写信.内容包括:1.告诉她学习方法很重要;2.根据自己的经验给她提几条建议


英语书面表达:Tina 是一名中学生,她的数学成绩不太理想,她想寻求帮助,请你以李明的名义给她写信.
Hello,I am Liming and I have known that you are faced with poor math marks . Here are some advice according to my personal experience .
As far as I am concerned ,the way to study is of great importance , therefore , first you can associate with your math teacher to ask for your weakness . Second , correcting your mistakes in every paper . Last but not least , practice makes perfect ,everyday exercise is necessary . when you finish all the things above ,I am firmly convinced that you can make great progress in math.
Yours faithfully
写的比较糟糕 不知道能不能帮上忙 估计里面有不少错误~~~如果要用 一定要好好修改下~
Hello,I am Liming and I have known that you are faced with poor math marks . Here are some advice according to my personal experience .
As far as I am concerned ,the way to study is of great importance , therefore , first you can associate with your math teacher to ask for your weakness . Second , correcting your mistakes in every paper . Last but not least , practice makes perfect ,everyday exercise is necessary . when you finish all the things above ,I am firmly convinced that you can make great progress in math.
Yours faithfully
写的比较糟糕 不知道能不能帮上忙 估计里面有不少错误~~~如果要用 一定要好好修改下~