教育部倡导学生:每天锻炼一小时;健康工作五十年;幸福生活一辈子请你根据以上提示,用英语准备一份发言稿,向同学们讲述一下阳光体育活动的有关情况,并就高中学生是否需要每天花一小时锻炼,谈谈你的看法及理由。注意:1.发言稿应包括以上所有信息,要有适当发挥。2.词数:120左右。3.参考词汇:阳光体育活动a national student sports program;教育部the Ministry of Education Good afternoon, everyone,   


3.参考词汇:阳光体育活动a national student sports program;教育部the Ministry of Education
Good afternoon, everyone,                                                        

Good afternoon, everyone,

Hundreds of millions of students from primary, middle schools and universities all over China joined in a national student sports program. Eleven million students in Shandong took an active part in this program.

The ministry of Education calls on students to exercise for an hour every day, in the hope that they will have good health to work fifty years and enjoy the whole life.

Personally, I think it a good idea for us senior students to have daily exercise. Although we take an hour a day for exercise, it is well worth it. Taking exercise helps us build up our body and keep a clear mind. Therefore we can work more efficiently.

Thank you!

Good afternoon, everyone,

Hundreds of millions of students from primary, middle schools and universities all over China joined in a national student sports program. Eleven million students in Shandong took an active part in this program.

The ministry of Education calls on students to exercise for an hour every day, in the hope that they will have good health to work fifty years and enjoy the whole life.

Personally, I think it a good idea for us senior students to have daily exercise. Although we take an hour a day for exercise, it is well worth it. Taking exercise helps us build up our body and keep a clear mind. Therefore we can work more efficiently.

Thank you!