写英语作文。初三的(回答好追加100)假定你今天是英语课上的值日生,请根据表中信息完成主体为“班级新闻”的值日报告。 演讲比赛:这些天我班的李佳坚持在老师的帮助下刻苦训练口语 星期三下午的英语演讲比赛中,李佳获得第一名。 好人好事:昨天全班为四川灾区学生捐书20本,书包50个,捐款4200元。 何立捐了500元,全班最多。 要求:必须包括表中全部内容,可适当增加细节,但不要逐条翻译。 简要评价必须在2个句子以上 80字左右 回答好追加100分


Hi everyone,
Here is some information about our class.As you all know, Li Jia came first in the English speech competition this Wednesday afternoon. She practised speeaking with our teacher's help so hard these days that she beat all her competitor. Besides this, there are still many things that can cheer us up. Yesterday, we donated many things to the students who suffered from the terrible catastrophe, the Wenchuan Earthquake. We donated 20 books, 50 schoolbags and also 4200yuan to them. And He Li donated the most money. He donated 500yuan to those unfortunates. I feel really happy about the victory in the speech competition. The advertisement says that nothing is impossible. I agree with it. We can do anything if we put most our effort into it. Also, I was moved by the donation. People in Wenchuan are really unfortunately, but with our help, they will set up their home soon. Just like the ending of the novel: Tomorrow is another day!
Hi everyone,
Here is some information about our class.As you all know, Li Jia came first in the English speech competition this Wednesday afternoon. She practised speeaking with our teacher's help so hard these days that she beat all her competitor. Besides this, there are still many things that can cheer us up. Yesterday, we donated many things to the students who suffered from the terrible catastrophe, the Wenchuan Earthquake. We donated 20 books, 50 schoolbags and also 4200yuan to them. And He Li donated the most money. He donated 500yuan to those unfortunates. I feel really happy about the victory in the speech competition. The advertisement says that nothing is impossible. I agree with it. We can do anything if we put most our effort into it. Also, I was moved by the donation. People in Wenchuan are really unfortunately, but with our help, they will set up their home soon. Just like the ending of the novel: Tomorrow is another day!
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