用这10个英语单词造下区(初中水平就行了)1、outdoors 2、on purpose 3、in order to 4、at dusk 5、thundering 6、entirely 7、power 8、face to face 9、curtains 10、dusty用这10个英语单词造下句 语句通顺点


1、outdoors 2、on purpose 3、in order to 4、at dusk 5、thundering 6、entirely 7、power 8、face to face 9、curtains 10、dusty
用这10个英语单词造下句 语句通顺点
he is playing outdoorshe did it on purposei study hard in order to pass the examhe arrived home at duskit is thunderingi was entirely ignoredthe power is offwe can talk about it face to facethe curtai... he is playing outdoorshe did it on purposei study hard in order to pass the examhe arrived home at duskit is thunderingi was entirely ignoredthe power is offwe can talk about it face to facethe curtai...