英语翻译本合同由买方、卖方、代理方叁方协定签署,买卖双方愿意按照以下合同中所规定的条款购买、出售.因买卖双方在付款方式上尚存分歧,为使本合同继续,买方将开立L/C给代理方,买方委托代理方在信用证未到期前为其代为支付本合同项下的全部货款给卖方.买方承诺在L/C到期日前无条件支付全部合同金额.总金额:Euro 96,966.08 (已包括货物在中国口岸的商检费用以及报关出运前的所有费用)合同经三方确认后,买家在三个工作日内开立合同金额的60天远期不可撤消L/C给代理方.2)代理方在收到买方合格的L/C后,并收


总金额:Euro 96,966.08 (已包括货物在中国口岸的商检费用以及报关出运前的所有费用)
受益人:Laiwu Steel Corporation
开证行:China Everbright Bank,Qingdao Branch
1).全套(三正三副)清洁已装船海运提单(提单出货人名称:SME INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD).
1) 如由于卖方的安排导致未交货,卖方须支付买方金额为合同价的3%的罚金.
2) 如卖方未按时提供合同需要的单证或因卖方原因使代理方不能收回货款,卖方须赔偿代理方全部的经济损失.
The contract is signed by the Seller,the Buyer and the Agent through agreement.The Seller and Buyer agree to purchase and sell the goods under the contract in accordance with the provision hereof.
For the reason that the Seller and Buyer still have divergence in payment terms,in order to continue the contact,the Buyer will issue L/C to the Agent and authorize the agent to pay the full amount under the provision in the contract to Seller on Buyer’s behalf.The Buyer promises to pay unconditionally the full amount before the maturity date of L/C.
Total amount:Euro 96,966.08 (including SGS cost of the freight at the Chinese port and all the costs before customs declaration and shipment.) After the confirmation by the three parties,the Buyer will issue an irrevocable 60 days usance L/C in the amount of the contract value to the Agent within THREE (3) working days.
2) After the Agent receives the qualified L/C from the Buyer and the advice note of the shipment provided by the Seller,the Agent shall pay the 100% payment to the Seller by TT within TWO (2) working days.
Seller’s Bank Route:
Beneficiary:Laiwu Steel Corporation
Issuing Bank:China Everbright Bank,Qingdao Branch
Transferring Bank:EVERCNBJQD1
Bank Account:087710121400301002774.
The Seller shall provide the following documents which are conformable to the terms of L/C to the Agent within the prescribed time.
1) Full set (3/3) of original clean on board Charter Party Bill of Lading and 3 copies (the name of bill of lading for the shipment:SME INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD
2) The original commercial invoice in triplicate.
3) The original proof of the supplier’s quality.
4) The packing list
Buyer’s Bank Route:
1) Should the goods fail to be delivered due to the arrangement of the Seller,the Seller shall pay 3% fine of the contract value to the Buyer
2) Should the Seller fail to provide the documents required in the contract on time or the Agent fail to receive the payment due to the reasons of the Seller,the Seller shall pay all the economic losses to the Agent.
3)Should the Buyer fail to issue L/C in time or the goods fail to be delivered due to the reasons of the Buyer,the Buyer shall pay 3% fine of the contract value to the Seller and Agent respectively.
The contract is signed by the Seller,the Buyer and the Agent through agreement.The Seller and Buyer agree to purchase and sell the goods under the contract in accordance with the provision hereof.
For the reason that the Seller and Buyer still have divergence in payment terms,in order to continue the contact,the Buyer will issue L/C to the Agent and authorize the agent to pay the full amount under the provision in the contract to Seller on Buyer’s behalf.The Buyer promises to pay unconditionally the full amount before the maturity date of L/C.
Total amount:Euro 96,966.08 (including SGS cost of the freight at the Chinese port and all the costs before customs declaration and shipment.) After the confirmation by the three parties,the Buyer will issue an irrevocable 60 days usance L/C in the amount of the contract value to the Agent within THREE (3) working days.
2) After the Agent receives the qualified L/C from the Buyer and the advice note of the shipment provided by the Seller,the Agent shall pay the 100% payment to the Seller by TT within TWO (2) working days.
Seller’s Bank Route:
Beneficiary:Laiwu Steel Corporation
Issuing Bank:China Everbright Bank,Qingdao Branch
Transferring Bank:EVERCNBJQD1
Bank Account:087710121400301002774.
The Seller shall provide the following documents which are conformable to the terms of L/C to the Agent within the prescribed time.
1) Full set (3/3) of original clean on board Charter Party Bill of Lading and 3 copies (the name of bill of lading for the shipment:SME INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD
2) The original commercial invoice in triplicate.
3) The original proof of the supplier’s quality.
4) The packing list
Buyer’s Bank Route:
1) Should the goods fail to be delivered due to the arrangement of the Seller,the Seller shall pay 3% fine of the contract value to the Buyer
2) Should the Seller fail to provide the documents required in the contract on time or the Agent fail to receive the payment due to the reasons of the Seller,the Seller shall pay all the economic losses to the Agent.
3)Should the Buyer fail to issue L/C in time or the goods fail to be delivered due to the reasons of the Buyer,the Buyer shall pay 3% fine of the contract value to the Seller and Agent respectively.
相关标签: 英语翻译 愿意 按照 付款 方式