英语作文,你喜欢住在城镇还是社区,要写出理由说明 不用太多单词,最少60个..请在 一点之前回答..


英语作文,你喜欢住在城镇还是社区,要写出理由说明 不用太多单词,最少60个..
请在 一点之前回答..
Where do Ilike living,in the town or in the society?
I like to live in the town.I have several reasons.First of all,living in thetown is more pleasure than in the city.Towns have more space where I can have more fun,such as having a picnic.Secondly,the air in the town is fresher than in the society.Big cities are polluted by different kinds of dirty stuff but towns have more trees.So I like living in the town.
Where do Ilike living,in the town or in the society?
I like to live in the town.I have several reasons.First of all,living in thetown is more pleasure than in the city.Towns have more space where I can have more fun,such as having a picnic.Secondly,the air in the town is fresher than in the society.Big cities are polluted by different kinds of dirty stuff but towns have more trees.So I like living in the town.
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