请问英语中的the a an that this 在英语中是不是不能一起连用我现在学英语发现一个问题,是不是the a an this that 不能一起连用.因为它们都表示限定的意思.比如那是一棵树/这是一棵树.that is tree/this is tree就不能用that is a tree that is the tree/this is a tree/this is the 谢谢大家的回答我现在明白了,那么that this 能否和定冠词the一起连用


请问英语中的the a an that this 在英语中是不是不能一起连用
我现在学英语发现一个问题,是不是the a an this that 不能一起连用.因为它们都表示限定的意思.比如那是一棵树/这是一棵树.that is tree/this is tree就不能用that is a tree that is the tree/this is a tree/this is the
谢谢大家的回答我现在明白了,那么that this 能否和定冠词the一起连用
that is a tree that is the tree/this is a tree/this is the tree在有前后文的情况下,这些都是可以的.
that is tree/this is tree是错误的.
that is a tree that is the tree/this is a tree/this is the tree在有前后文的情况下,这些都是可以的.
that is tree/this is tree是错误的.