书面表达 最近二十一世纪学生英文报(21st Century Teens) “你说我说”栏目就“初中毕业后是否应该出国留学”这一话题进行了讨论。请根据提示,以“Study Abroad or Study in China?”为题,写一篇短文参与该栏目的讨论。   要求:1.表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;



最近二十一世纪学生英文报(21st Century Teens) “你说我说”栏目就“初中毕业后是否应该出国留学”这一话题进行了讨论。请根据提示,以“Study Abroad or Study in China?为题,写一篇短文参与该栏目的讨论。





Study Abroad or Study in China?

In recent years more and more students go abroad for further study after graduating from junior middle school. In our school we had a discussion on whether students should go abroad at that early age.



Study Abroad or Study in China?

In recent years more and more students go abroad for further study after graduating from junior middle school. In our school we had a discussion on whether students should go abroad at that early age.

Some students hold the opinion that it can provide better study conditions. They can make rapid progress in their foreign language study. It is also a good chance for them to learn a foreign culture.

However other students hold the opposite opinion. They think they are too young to take care of themselves. Moreover studying abroad can cost a lot.

As for me I would like to go further study abroad. Studying abroad is challenging but we should learn to depend on ourselves. We can see wonderful outside world as well. When I come back to China I can make a great contribution to my country.

Study Abroad or Study in China?

In recent years more and more students go abroad for further study after graduating from junior middle school. In our school we had a discussion on whether students should go abroad at that early age.

Some students hold the opinion that it can provide better study conditions. They can make rapid progress in their foreign language study. It is also a good chance for them to learn a foreign culture.

However other students hold the opposite opinion. They think they are too young to take care of themselves. Moreover studying abroad can cost a lot.

As for me I would like to go further study abroad. Studying abroad is challenging but we should learn to depend on ourselves. We can see wonderful outside world as well. When I come back to China I can make a great contribution to my country.
