

Nowadays, it has been a growing tendency for children to be driven to and picked up from school. A recent survey indicates that the school-run is a controversy. Parents drive their children to school to protect them from danger. Time pressures and fears about street violence and traffic make the school-run seem unavoidable for many parents.
From a more practical point of view, school-runs cause traffic jam at the school drop-off/pick-up area and in the neighbourhood. This situation is more problematic during rush hours. With the ever-increasing traffic volume, the resulting air pollution and traffic damage the health of children who walk to school as well as the school environment.
For those who argue against school-run consider that it is an excessive burden and time consuming adding onto the parents. On the other hand, some parents argue that they can achieve the same degree of quality time with their children by driving them to school. As a matter of fact, while parents need to concentrate on their own driving skills, the concept of quality time spent in a car on the way to school practically does not exist.
As for the children, school-runs deprive them of the chance of being independent. Sometimes, teenager students may even find it embarrassing to be dropped off and picked up by their own parents, like toddlers. Besides, being driven to school means starving the children of exercise and may be jeopardizing their health in their later life. It says that adult levels of fitness and physical exercise tend to be established in childhood.
The School Run - Blessing or Blight? In my opinion, I would prefer going to school by myself. I can take good care of myself. I do not want to be a burden to anyone, particularly my parents.
Nowadays, it has been a growing tendency for children to be driven to and picked up from school. A recent survey indicates that the school-run is a controversy. Parents drive their children to school to protect them from danger. Time pressures and fears about street violence and traffic make the school-run seem unavoidable for many parents.
From a more practical point of view, school-runs cause traffic jam at the school drop-off/pick-up area and in the neighbourhood. This situation is more problematic during rush hours. With the ever-increasing traffic volume, the resulting air pollution and traffic damage the health of children who walk to school as well as the school environment.
For those who argue against school-run consider that it is an excessive burden and time consuming adding onto the parents. On the other hand, some parents argue that they can achieve the same degree of quality time with their children by driving them to school. As a matter of fact, while parents need to concentrate on their own driving skills, the concept of quality time spent in a car on the way to school practically does not exist.
As for the children, school-runs deprive them of the chance of being independent. Sometimes, teenager students may even find it embarrassing to be dropped off and picked up by their own parents, like toddlers. Besides, being driven to school means starving the children of exercise and may be jeopardizing their health in their later life. It says that adult levels of fitness and physical exercise tend to be established in childhood.
The School Run - Blessing or Blight? In my opinion, I would prefer going to school by myself. I can take good care of myself. I do not want to be a burden to anyone, particularly my parents.